Mobile Application security

Mobile ProductsOverview:

“Mobile application market has seen explosive growth in the last couple of years. These applications have provided convenient access to bank accounts, credit card data, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), travel itineraries and personal emails to name a few. The enterprise mobile applications extend corporate networks beyond the perimeter devices and thus potentially expose these organizations to new types of security threats.

Security risks associated with these applications can often be identified and mitigated by subjecting them to security testing. Compared to .Exe based desktop or web applications, mobile applications are harder to test for security, and hence, in our experience, are often less tested. At the same time, these applications are not necessarily more secure than desktop or web applications.

How It Works:

Paralok focus on the specific challenges that are unique to mobile application security testing. Our security experts to review potential security or privacy-related weaknesses in your mobile application.


This service helps answer questions related to:

• Confidentiality: Does your application keep your private data private?

• Integrity: Can the data from your app be trusted and verified?

• Authentication: Does your app verify you? e.g. Who are you?

• Availability: Can an attacker take the app offline?

• Non-Repudiation: Does your app keep records of events?


We have been performing Mobile Application Security Testing Assessments for various platforms such as :

• IPhone Application Security Testing.

• Android Application Security Testing.

• Windows Mobile Application Security Testing.

• Symbian Mobile Application Security Testing.

• Blackberry Application Security Testing.